I do hope one day that you feel comfortable sharing why you left. At least the CliffsNotes version. I am curious because you're obviously much more well read that I. Also, you're not a dogmatic black and white thinker. So obviously if you feel it's the truth naturally I'd like to know why. What am I missing? Am I just too stupid to see the obvious?
I still feel it's possible that Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth. For me it's not a matter of whether or not it's the truth but the character of the person called Jehovah. Does he deserve to be worshipped? If Jehovah's Witnesses have the correct interpretation should I worship a God that couldn't think of a better solution than destroying billions of people and causing all this suffering? I don't like Jehovah.
I don't know if this helps, but imagine Leolaia doing what you did? Wouldn't you be the least bit curious?